September 29, 2008

Mika Mondays

My good friend Mishal edited my first performance with Hooplovers thus giving me my first edit free pass on the Mika Mondays ride!

Thanks Mish!

*I'm the one with the white furry leg warmers.

Here's what I did with my Sunday night instead of prepping Mika Mondays. I made my flat go from fratboy clubhouse,

to functioning oasis

Cause after an action packed week of Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School, Tokyo,

Tyler Foundation Fundraising,

and high octane trampoline fueled children's entertainment

Life could use a little cool down.

Special thanks to IQ Jane for her backstage photo. Jane has done a wonderful job documenting life on the road with the English Carnival! If you wanna see more check out her flickr here.


D said...

hi stranger,
love your bewitched-style clean up,
i just did it in my office ...
have blogged-off for a while.
things change in life and take time from this and that, innit.

the yoga thing has taken off with lightening-like whisks of action!

you seem well planted into tokyo.
why is Deanne in US>??

sending love,

leila marie said...

Deanne is living the dream in San Fran. As I write this she and Bunny Hoop Star are probably fire hooping by the bay!
oooh what I wouldn't give...
nowadays my body cracks like a retired contortionist. Yoga sounds oh so yummy at the mo as does that massive backyard you've got.
Oz does beckon.
One day friend.
one day...