August 6, 2008

Hooping for Cookies!

My friend and colleague, who I like to call Inspiration Jason, recently invited me to come volunteer at a community center/cookie factory where he regularly spends his time with the mentally disabled in Sangenjaya over in Setagaya-ku.

The Shimouma Fukushi Center is dedicated to employing the mentally challenged as a means of incorporating them into the workforce and giving them a useful skill that enriches not only their lives but those of others in the community.
Walking into the community center is an experience unto iteslf. The sublimely nostalgic aroma of cookies from every part of your childhood permeates the floor where they are baked and your serotonin levels are involuntarily thrust into the stratosphere of pure elation as those big bright smiles greet you at the front door more happy to see you than Santa Claus HIMSELF!
These hard workers have earned the respect of the omiage (souvenir) making community. Their cookies have been rated #3 in Japan as the most preferred omiage to give away during the holiday season! And it's easy to see why; you can literally taste the love coming out every morsel. Their positive energy is infectious and by the end of my visit I was jumping around just as much as they were!

Working at a community center isn't all work an no play so at the end of their busy day in the factory they usually wind down with some fun organized activity. Jason shared his love of dance, teaching everything from Hula to disco while I was in charge of all things Hoop-tastic!

After a brief demonstration on the LED hoop my new baker friends were ready to give the hoop a whirl, albeit slightly hesitant at first.

It didn't take many trials to get it right and before I knew it I was competing to keep up with THEM!! The time just flew by and with it all their inhibitions. The joy in the room was palpable. I'll definitely be going back!

For more information about The Shimouma Fukushi Center go here.
or call this number 03 5712 5103*

*Neither the website or phone number is available in English BUT volunteers of ALL Nationalities and language abilities are welcome. Have a Japanese friend set up an appointment. You'll be glad you did!


D said...

bloody good on you!!!!!!

Philip said...

This looks amazing!!
Glad to see this is what you mean by going "deep underground". :P

Makes me wish I was into something like hula that is easy to bring down to anyone's level - good on you for using your skills well!

leila marie said...

Thanks guys. I was a bit bummed about not going on holiday this summer but this trip to the cookie factory was like visiting the Umpa Loompa's at the chocolate factory! I can't think of a better way to beat the heat!

Unknown said...

Cool-That's where my student works!!! the cookies are good man, especially the mixed ones.

leila marie said...

The world is truly tiny! But why am I not surprised that you are involved in teaching the mentally challenged. Akiko you truly give Mother Teresa a run for her money!