November 17, 2008

Dr. Sketchy's, Tokyo Exhibition Party

Only 5 more sleeps until the big Dr. Sketchy's Exhibition Party and I can't hardly wait. Visions of dancing feathered ladies and Sketchtastic eye candy swim round my head and the excitement is best expressed through song! Check out this vid from the Dazzle Dancers that pretty much sums up the mood on Saturday night!

Saturday November 22nd
La Boheme on Kotto Dori
¥2500 +1 Drink (RSVP)
¥3500 +1 Drink at the door

1 comment:

Sigsy said...

WOW Leily, that video kicks about 20 types of ass.
I will see you on Saturday. Not sure I can get Kei into one of those costumes yet but let's see what thanksgiving brings...