March 18, 2008

Simply Being

Have you ever spent the day thinking of someone else entirely? My closest Aunt has a birthday coming soon and I've decided to make her present this year (actually I make her present every year). Don't wanna give too much away as she may read this entry but The whole day was dedicated to looking up inspirational quotes that might strike a chord with her as I thumbed through old photos of us. I spent hour upon hour inside the published minds of Emerson, Thoreau and Eleanor Roosevelt just to name a few. It's amazing how these old quotes that I've heard a dozen times before suddenly resonate when you truly read them unhindered by time constraints and with full presence of consciousness. Suddenly every word was like a declaration or an epiphany. "Ah ha" moments were like rapturous awakenings. Very nice feeling indeed. Such an eye opening experience the act of being aware! Today was one of those rare occasions when I actually had the entire day off. It was a day to sit around in my underwear and scratch my bottom and contemplate how to make someone I truly love feel amazing about themselves and though I didn't lift a finger I can't remember when I felt so fulfilled or productive.

Hope she likes it!

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