September 29, 2008

Mika Mondays

My good friend Mishal edited my first performance with Hooplovers thus giving me my first edit free pass on the Mika Mondays ride!

Thanks Mish!

*I'm the one with the white furry leg warmers.

Here's what I did with my Sunday night instead of prepping Mika Mondays. I made my flat go from fratboy clubhouse,

to functioning oasis

Cause after an action packed week of Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School, Tokyo,

Tyler Foundation Fundraising,

and high octane trampoline fueled children's entertainment

Life could use a little cool down.

Special thanks to IQ Jane for her backstage photo. Jane has done a wonderful job documenting life on the road with the English Carnival! If you wanna see more check out her flickr here.

September 25, 2008

Tokyo Hoop Stars

Tokyo's main Hoop Guru, Deanne Tonking just left the island to train with the big dogs in San Francisco at an intensive hoop camp/retreat . Oh the jealousy in my heart knows no bounds, but in lieu of her delightful presence I leave you with a hoop video made by Hooplovers that highlights the hoop joy that she spread.

Tokyo Hoop Stars from hooplovers on Vimeo.
Come back soon Obi wan, we miss you already!

PS. If you watch till the end, I nearly take out someone with my hoop. Sorry good people of Shinjuku!

September 22, 2008

Mika Mondays Episode 5

Hey there Hoop Groupies, this is the entry that almost never was. I was in the midst of dotting the (I)s and crossing the (T)s when my poor computer crashed and took with it all the editing I had done for the last 5 HOURS!
Tears were seriously shed as it was 2 in the morning and exhaustion was burning the back of my eyeballs.
All is not lost because even though we're already more than half way through Monday in Tokyo it's still Monday all over the world and there are plenty of hours still left in the day to enjoy the music and the hoop.
Today I bring you Mika Mondays in two segments.
The first is of course the video of me hooping to the music of a band I just recently discovered last week called FatBlueMan they are based out of Kansai in the Aichi Prefecture in the city of Nagoya which gets its reputation as basically being the Detroit of Japan but has oh so much more to offer than just cars. Front man John Janzen invited me to sit in on a jam session and they absolutely rocked my socks off.
So check out the LED hoop action as I rock out to their song Which Road Takes Me Home

Mika Mondays Episode 5 Part 1 from Lady Elle on Vimeo.

Next up are your FAQs and Comments. Since starting Mika Mondays the love has been pouring from all sides, thanks for all your wonderful questions and comments your energy is what kept me going last night so thanks for all of your amazing support!

Mika Mondays Episode 5 Part 2 from Lady Elle on Vimeo.


While on tour this weekend with my own show I serendipitously was able to meet up with some of TokyoCooney's fans who I met while doing The TokyoCooney BlogTV show last week. It was shear coincidence that I was in Nagoya a day eariler than my show date and FatBlueMan invited me to come sit in on a jam session. The whole experience was a lot more interactive than I thought it would be. Gone are the days when groupies simply shook tambourines and swayed to the beat; now we're full on roadies who are responsible for documenting the journey. I had a great time filming this video for them. Can't wait to go back and see them live in concert. If you're ever in Nagoya, FatBlueMan should be on your list of things to do.

September 18, 2008

OMG I'm on

Mika Mondays episode 4 got a shout out on I am now for the next few hours the Hoop video of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm absolutely OVER THE MOON!
That's at least 5 minutes of my 15 minutes of fame allotment.

And today I just got this email from Holly the Hoop angel who let me know about it.

"Hey Leila! I'm a hooper from San Diego Ca and saw your video on It's video of the day if you didn't know already, you should check it out! I just wanted to say I think it's awesome what you are doing to try and get into a Mika video, Honestly I don't really know who that is. Maybe he is more popular in Japan, that tends to happen musically as opposed to groups here in the US. But I wish you the best of luck with your journey and hope to someday see you in a MIKA video! Keep Hooping! Peace and Hoopiness ~Holly"

Did you read that!!!
She doesn't even know who Mika is!!!!
Is that even possible in this day and age??
Did I just introduce someone to the yummy lovey goodness of Mika!?!

Oh Happy Day indeed.

September 17, 2008

Internet Neutrality

I have no idea if this is true, but these guys sound convincing enough for me to share this disturbing youtube video (Techy, hipster, European accents always sound more convincing than dodgy American ones) Internet Neutrality seems to be under siege according to them. If this is true major telecommunications corporations are now working together to create a network of uniting ISP addresses so that the world wide web as we know it will work more like cable TV and we the consumer will begin to pay for a package of "channels" (sites) that we can visit. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty blog worthy.
Please allow 12 minutes to watch.

On the other hand, upon searching for this video, I found it originated on a youtube channel called AtheneWins, a soft porn site started by the host of this segment, Tania.

Not saying porn stars can't be activists...
...but do more research before you take action.
If all of this is true than it's time that we BE the change we seek!
Cause as you can see:
The revolution will not be televised!
The revolution is HERE!

Tokyo Cooney

It's always nice to work with friends and today is no exception. Today one of the city's most beloved stand-up comedians Kevin Cooney is launching a new web TV show live on inspired by his insanely popular youtube series TokyoCooney He will be broadcasting live with armed with nothing but his webcam, a microphone and a dream and he has invited me to be his first guest! I'm super excited about the opportunity be apart of this grand experiement and wish him nothing but the best ratings the internet has to offer. So tune in to Tokyo Cooney later today!

Wow my first talk show!
Seriously hope you can catch it!

September 16, 2008

Sayoonara Chief Auntie Km

My Auntie Kim just got pinned today!
No not laid.

As in promoted! To CHIEF!
(and I got to do the honors)
My Aunt and I grew up like sisters. We're only one year apart and so I say Auntie rather cheekily but I couldn't be more proud of her!
This day is monumental for oh sooo many reasons!

My Grandpa, may he rest in peace, was a Navy Seal and made it as far as E6 (Enlisted 6 = Petty Officer) and his daughter just surpassed him after vowing to do so just month's before he passed. She was promoted after just 11 years of service while it takes some Naval guys their entire careers to make Chief! We always knew she had the right stuff.
The moment was bitter sweet for me as this was also the day I had to say good-bye to her. She's somewhere over the Pacific in route to her next duty station so Auntie Kim if you paid the extra 10 bucks for internet access on the plane and you're reading this, I just wanted to say thank you for coming to Japan and supporting me while I worked to make my dreams come true. It was an honor to be with you while you realized yours.

You made it Auntie!
Grandpa is smiling down on you honey!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. Special thanks to the McGinnis family pictured here. You were the perfect surrogate family. Destiny, Lydia, Jade I will NEVER forget you!

September 15, 2008

Mika Mondays #4 - Tochomae

Hello Mika,
Happy Monday! In this week's installment of Mika Mondays (the weekly segment dedicated to auditioning for one of your music videos) I went to The Tokyo Tocho (Government building) as it is virtually my backyard. I love this area of Tokyo because it's got wide open spaces which are absolutely ideal for hooping. When I first moved into the neighborhood I absolutely fell in love with the round sculpture and fountain in the courtyard and I knew that I was destined to hoop there. So this week's Mika offering is extra special because I've captured two visions with one wish.
MM 4 - Tochomae from Lady Elle on Vimeo.

Location: Tokyo Tocho
Music: Sweet Dreams By: Mika

Special thanks this week to Graig Russell for being my awesome cameraman and Daniel "Danz" Perez, Fashion photographer who gave me a few tips on the technical end of things.

And don't forget to spread the word!

September 13, 2008

Ohashi, Podcasting and Charity oh my...

Making a TV show about ohashi (chopsticks) is almost like making a Mika music video...

kind a way...

not all.

But it was still loads of fun. This week I got the not so unique opportunity to be a featured broadcaster on a show called Tokyo Eye in which I not only got to visit an authentic chopstick shop in Omotesando but I spent the afternoon playing Santa's little helper with a wooden toy maker in Kichijoji where I crafted a pair of the wonkiest chopsticks this side of The Tachikawa. The episode will air in one week on NHK World, which is the cable news portion of the broadcasting giant so if you live overseas and subscribe to NHK World or just so happen to be in a hotel in Honk Kong, Dubai or Mumbai check it out!

Meanwhile back on the ranch...
The Tokyo Metpod is getting record hits due to it's rockin new ad in the back of The Metropolis. If you look closely you can see that I'm featured in a thumbnail photo about the size of a bee's dick in the far right column.

I'm also ecstatic to announce that The Tyler Foundation Benefit dinner is now sold out! The Murder Mystery that The Comedy Store gang has been lovingly slaving away it will have the packed house it deserves and we are all pleased as punch.

Save the children through Murder Mystery Musicals!...
(It's a catch phrase in progress)

September 10, 2008

Oh Charlie

This oldie but goodie was on my mind today. I have 3 brothers all born in September and I can't remember a single birthday but I think about them always and I love to watch these little boys whenever I get particularly busy because they really do put it all in perspective.
Poor Harry goes through the entire history and gamut of human emotion, love, trust, fear, joy, angst, forgiveness etc in about 30 seconds and comes out relatively unscathed, a little bit wiser and still generally happy with life and his little brother.

Thanks Charlie!
Happy Birthday Omar, Yusef and Eric!

September 8, 2008

MM #3 Utter Exhaustion

Some days living the dream is a little more exhausting than others. Last week was soooo full on that while I had time to shoot some cool footage around the city, I kinda fell down in the editing department. So I cheated.
I used some old footage from the cutting room floor of a previous entry.
It's short and sweet and still chalked full of yummy pipe dream goodness.

Mika Mondays #3 from Lady Elle on Vimeo.

Location: Shibuya Crossing (Think Lost in Translation)
Music: Lollipop By: Mika
Yay! Mika Mondays survived another week!

September 5, 2008

Dr. Sketchy's Facelift

Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School, Tokyo is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!
And with a brand new website.
Which I designed myself, with a palette full of new features.
We've got Tokyo's hottest Burlesque performers with inspiration oozing out of every orafice. The Dr. Sketchy's fall line-up is one you don't want to miss. Stay tuned every 4th Wednesday of the month for more details. So come for the sketching and stay for the outrageous new contests, sexy models and hilarious hosts.

The next Dr. Sketchy's will be
Wednesday September 24th
Exclusively at The Pink Cow.
Doors open at 6p
Sketching begins at 7p

September 4, 2008

Broke and Fulfilled

Yes that's right. I'm broke. Not in the destitute, nearly homeless and starving kind of way but rather in the no parties and extracurricular activities sort of way. Outside of the bare necessities, food, bills, taxes (yuck) I'm grounded by my own undoing until OCTOBER. YIKES! And this is not a complaint or a plea for charity but just an observation about the life of a freelancer and my own state of being because while I have absolutely no disposable income to speak of, I can honestly say that I can't remember a time when I was more happy. What's that about? In July when my accounts were knee deep in the black I was utterly miserable and now I'm experiencing an absolute creative boon as they creep closer into the red!

Dr. Sketchy's
is gaining unprecedented momentum. I have managed to gather a team of vibrant, colorful and remarkably creative people who are dedicated to all things artistic and I couldn't be more ecstatic to dive into the latest session.
Mika Mondays has gotten such wonderful responses that I am filled with renewed energy everyday when I go to the park to practice and now wish everyday was MONDAY! (How many people with straight jobs can say that!)
Then there is the charity work. Ever since Inspiration Jason introduced me to my cookie factory friends I can't stop the machine and now I'm involved in a Murder Mystery Play for a charity benefit for The Tyler Foundation which is dedicated to children's cancer research.

So while I'm not displeased with my current situation, this is just another ebb within the flow of a freelancing lifestyle, I'm left feeling a little apprehensive about my earning potential. I wonder if I am able to sustain such creative energy when the money train finally does pull in. Struggle seems to be the secret ingredient to creative success. I have found there is grace in struggling the mind really does open up when challenges abound and the experience so far it has been exhilarating. Money seems to be the antithesis of struggle. Isn't the old adage "The rich have it easy." And don't we all secretly want to know the feeling? My social life can weather this financial storm but I imagine it will get old eventually and then what?!

Only time will tell I suppose. I'll let you know how creative I feel in October!

September 3, 2008

Blossomed Dream

My friend Conor over at The Pillow Blog has just dotted the I(s) and crossed all the T(s) in a draft of his new upcoming book! And judging by the first chapter which he allowed me to sneak peak, I predict it will be a best seller. The pride and excitement I feel for him couldn't be greater if it were my own and the achievement of such a feat is worthy of praise unto itself. The blank page is the most treacherous terrain I have ever had to endure and I have failed many times so kudos to you Conor for following your path and sticking to your ever blossoming dreams. You give me hope baby! Eat your heart out Random House!

September 1, 2008

Mika Mondays episode 2

Welcome to another installment of Mika Mondays. For those of you who don't know, Mondays on Leilachan is dedicated to my inner teenager; the one I didn't listen to enough 10 years ago and who is finally getting a voice in the form of a series of online auditions to be in a Mika music video. I consider this the last of my MTV exploits before I magically become adult-like upon my 30th birthday. It's my lingering pipe dream, one which I'm giving my all to and should my efforts actually payoff I've got 10 more pipe dreams waiting for their chance to make it. So here's to you Mika and all the other groupies over 25 may the party never end!

Mika Mondays #2 from Lady Elle on Vimeo.

Music: Ne-yo -Closer (Stonebridge Remix) brought to you by
Remember to help spread the word!
Bloggers unite for Mika!...and me